The delivery

Which watches are delivered in 3 days?
All watches in stock are dispatched within 24 hours and therefore can arrive within 3 days. This information is indicated next to each product as well as in the cart. Upon receipt and verification of your order, we ship it via a carrier, which will take a maximum of 2 days to deliver to the address indicated.
Where to see the delivery time? div>
It is indicated next to each product, under the "order" buttons. When no delivery date is indicated, it means this reference is not in stock or that the product will be stopped. The exact delivery date will be signalled to you in the cart.
Can there be a delay in delivery?
If the watch requested is in stock, we promise to ship it within 24 hours from the receipt of your order. In case of an issue we will notify you by email or phone. The package is then delivered to our carrier who in the vast majority of cases holds its time: between 1 and 2 days of delivery. Since there can always be a delay ,we are committed to inform you as soon as possible.
Why do some watches have the words "Too late unfortunately"?
Due to their success some watches are no longer in stock. This information is put next to each product with the mention "Too late unfortunately". It is possible that these models are replenished on demand but it may take several weeks.

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